I am a 28 year old male and only recently I have developed a fear of the night. I am not afraid of monsters or creepy things or any of the usual things associated with the fear of the dark. I think it has to do with what it represents to me, lonliness and negativity whereas light represents comfort and peacefulness. Plus, I have more nightmares than good dreams and I am becoming fearful of going to sleep because the nightmares are very vivid. At night the house is still and quiet and it is sort of eerie. My fiance and I recently split up so the night is very lonely for me now with no one around to sleep next to and spoon with. As the day draws to a close I start to get anxious and worrisome as the sun sets. I love dusk and dawn, but not the complete darkness. I have been leaving the television on in the bedroom all night long with the sound turned down just so there is some light around. I feel childish and embarrassed about this, but I needed to get it off my chest.



by Anonymous on Apr 7, 2009 at 6:25 PM

I'm also male, but unlike you I love the darkness, because after it gets dark I don't have to put up with people till it gets light again. When darkness comes I'm by myself, and I love it, I go to bed early, no night lights left on, in the darkness I can think without being smothered by people and their problems, I love the darkness.

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by Anonymous on Apr 12, 2009 at 6:02 AM

yeah i'm like that too if i don't have my partner with me, you just get used to having someone there and its a bit disorientating to wake up alone. we shouldn't be dependant on others but in a way it's just human nature, what can i say, maybe you should get a pet or something.....

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by Anonymous on Apr 13, 2009 at 3:59 PM

Thanks to the both of you.

I have considered getting a pet. I want a dog, but dogs are a hell of a lot of maintainance and require the time that I cannot provide to such an animal. I have also considered purchasing a middle-aged cat from a local animal shelter.

I do not want a kitten because they are also very high maintainence and I work a minimum of 60 hours a week and could not adequately care for the kitten.

I will figure something out.

Thanks again.

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