I've been in the mood all day. I had the day off from work and couldn't wait till my wife got home from work. I had planned on an intimate supper and an even more intimate dessert. She had a hard day at work and wanted to talk about it. I have no problem with that. I'm here for her. I understand the need to vent, but after a couple of hours of it I'm not really in the mood to be intimate any more. She is now pissed off at me because I'm no longer feel like having sex because all she can do for the last three hours is bitch and complain. Not exactly sexy in my book. I want to be there for her and listen to her problems, but it's such a turn off when all she can do is whine about her day.



by Anonymous on Jul 1, 2017 at 1:46 PM

So What's the difference? You listening about her terrible day at work or her reading this confession with you bitching about her bitching? What you could have done while she was telling of her bad day at work was be sitting by her, holding her hand and occasionally rubbing her arms and legs and giving her light and heavy kisses on her cheek and lips. Bet she'd soon stopped her complaining and would have r**ed you right on the spot. Remember, what goes around comes around.

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by Anonymous on Jul 1, 2017 at 1:50 PM

Should have stuffed your cock in her mouth to shut her up. Either that or slam it up her ass and let her carry on bitchin...

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by Anonymous on Jul 2, 2017 at 3:12 PM

I'm in the mood for love. Nothing embarrassing about being in the mood, unless you are in church and seated beside the pastors wife.
I am retired military and once when departing a foreign assignment my foreign guards gave me a ring. I don't know how to explain it except it has grayish color set with a black inset that is large at the bottom and comes to a point at the top. Girls often ask me what it means. I tell them it's my mood ring, when the black part comes to a point it means I am in the mood. Later when they see it they always comment that the black stays at a point. I tell them that means that I stay in the mood. Most are often all for it.

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by Anonymous on Jul 4, 2017 at 8:08 PM

Forget about that and just dive in and motorboat her pussy until she can't take anymore. She'll shut up fast.

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