I have been married 14 years. Half grown kids so my life was busy with few opportunities for sex with my wife. I work a company arranging work for crews then I go into the office to sign paperwork and solve work issues. We have a lady in her young 20's recently married that wore long dresses and had long hair which was a religious thing for her. The ladies always crossed the line flirting anytime a man came in the office. To embarrass me this day i was asked in front of all the ladies I was asked if I liked hair or bare. I acted embarrassed and joked with them. I got up to leave when the young lady was walking out ahead of me with paperwork. In the hallway I quietly asked her hair or bare. She smiled and kept walking. I'm quessing you are hair. She turned into the ladies room and lifted up her dress and showed me she was bare. I was so surprised. The next day I asked her if I could treat her for dinner. I expected a no but she nodded yes. It was raining and we bought fast food. She was a big talker away from the office. She shared she loved her husband but he was hard to live with. I asked her why she lifted her dress for me the day before. She apologized and didn't know what came over her to do it. I asked to see again. She said she had panties on now. I reached over and started lifting her dress when she stopped me. After a few more tries she sat there holding her dress down so I reached under her dress and started rubbing her c**t. She asked me to stop and at the same time spread her legs more. I reclined the seat back then removed her panties. She was having orgasms while I thumb fucked her. She didn't know I had removed my pants and had a raging erection. Cramped but wanted her I got in a position to lick her pussy. She would ask me to stop from time to time. Getting her to an orgasm I raised up and put my dick in her. She tried to get me to stop but held her legs open while I fucked her. When I cum we both were moaning load enough to break my windows. I fucked till I went soft. She acted embarrassed now. She said I had better not have gotten her pregnant. She put a Burger King napkin in her panties and pulled them up and straightened her face and clothes before I dropping her back at work. She gives me a special look when I go into the office but won't eat lunch with me anymore.



by Anonymous on Jul 17, 2017 at 2:27 PM

So you r**ed her. Let's hope you get locked up

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by Anonymous on Jul 17, 2017 at 2:55 PM

You ducking r**ed her you disgusting pig.

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by Anonymous on Jul 18, 2017 at 3:36 AM

Rape for shure
A special look of disgust

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by Anonymous on Jul 18, 2017 at 7:34 AM

ohh relax she wanted to get fucked but didn't want to be seen as a whore so she pretended not to want it but kept opening her legs for him. if she didn't want it she would have never showed him her c**t.

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by Anonymous on Jul 18, 2017 at 8:15 AM

Yeah too hard to judge on this story. I would never knowingly force sex on anyone but some shy/religious/insecure women like to use "stop" as foreplay like they're almost role-playing in their head. My own wife likes to pretend she's being forced but I believe most good guys can tell the difference with a stranger between a "stop" and a "STOP". The fact that she avoids meals with you can also just be her guilt from her affair in her new marriage and she may not trust herself.

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by Anonymous on Jul 18, 2017 at 8:27 AM

I agree. I dated a girl in high school that would let me feel her up thru her clothes. If I tried to slip underneath her shirt or pants she stopped me. It would have been out of line for me to force further. When dating my now wife, she showed restraint but let me have it all after fondling for a short time.

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