A Mexican girl came to work at our company. She started as a clerk in the warehouse. She was pretty in a Mexican girl way but she was really quiet. I wanted to make friends mostly because she was the only other person my age.
She was very reserved and I found out she had a child. She also had a man. He was a lot older than her, she lived with her mom and her daughter and her man came to see her and she cooked for him. Counting back she had her child when she was sixteen.

I guess I pried, I had never met a girl who had a child when she was a teen and I didn't understand how she had a man who was so much older than her. I also had to be close to her, she was Mexican but she was so pretty, I loved just looking at her. I forced the friendship, she never said anything voluntarily but the more I asked the more she told me. I also found a tattoo on the inside of her wrist, it was a shape like Gothic or something. Her mother worked in housekeeping for a hotel downtown and she had five kids, four daughters and one son. Her brother was in jail after a break in where a man was shot. Her father was in jail as a habitual offender. Her older sisters had dropped out of high school and went to work at a men's club. Her man was the landlord of the house she lived in with her mother. She was rent.

She had been the rent since her father was sent to prison. Her man didn't want her older sisters because they were whores and in any event I imagine because she was the prettiest girl. Her man put her tattoo on her so that everyone knew she was reserved. He has the same tattoo on his arm.

I worked with her for four years and I have been in love with her the entire time. It wasn't a puppy love either, I fell in love with her so deep it hurt. Maybe three times since I met her has she let me hug her. She wasn't very affectionate with me or her man. She cared for her daughter but only after we started hanging out did she start hugging her. I longed to be able to kiss her but the opportunity never came up. I went to her anyway and declared my love to her. When I told her out and out that I loved her and not as a friend she stood and looked into my eyes until I had to break away. I never wanted to hold her so much as I did that day. She quit work after that.

Her daughter is now twelve and she stays with me after school. I guess I want her to have the experiences I had growing up. We go to the museum, and I took her to the zoo for her first time. Every time I see her I tell her I love her. I tell her mother I love her too. I am not shy about that anymore, I want them to know that I love them from the bottom of my heart. The good thing is that her mother let me put the girl into a parochial school where she is getting a good education.

She has to look after her man. She is not just rent, she is his woman. I know that just because I love her doesn't mean that she loves me, not in the same way. But she let's me help with her daughter, put her in a good school and help raise her. I see her most days because her daughter goes to school in my neighborhood and I pick her up after school and look after her until her mother comes to get her, so I get a chance to see her mother and tell her I love her.


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