I was 17 when it happed and wouldn't have miss it for the world. It happed at a pool party in the home of one the girls from our high school class. Boys cheking out girls in their tiny bikinis and girls checking out boys out of their usual school uniforms. Vanity and flirting were running high and no parents to supervise. We had the whole pool are to ourselves and recipe bound for something to happed. As the sayings says "boys will be boys" and a pool party would be a good on party with out a good prank. My girl friends and I were sitting by the pool side when these boys stripped off the bathing suite off boy named Ricky. I remember this laughing boy rushing out of the pool with his bathing suite and throwing it over the neighbors fence. Realizing he had just been left stranded stark naked in a few feet of crstal clear water, I remember him stepping out of the pool, withw his wet dick swingging in full view doing his run of shame all the way to the pool bathroom right in front of all the girls from his class. It was definetly the most revealing and humiliting run of his life. For months the only thing my girl friends talked about was how cute his dick looked swigging freely and how sexually arousing it was. The used to call him Ricky Willie in class just to make him blush.



by Anonymous on Feb 8, 2019 at 4:34 PM

We had a smaller party going on, and the suits were removed by choice. The guys were in the pool and took their suits down and threw them at the girls as an invite to join us in the water. Things got interesting at that point.

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by Anonymous on Feb 8, 2019 at 4:35 PM

BTW: it was long before we had to worry about pics showing up on the internet or social media--decades before!

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by Anonymous on Feb 8, 2019 at 9:02 PM

Sounds rubbish

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