Working at MacDonald's might seem like shitty work for most people but it had it's advantages too. I was 16 when I started and quit at 18. Everybody there was horny all the time. Especially if you had a hot girl working there. Once we had this female manager who I had sex with a few times. And why not? I was a trim young guy whose dick was always hard and she was a girl in her late 20's whose husband turned out queer so go figure. You people are so fucking stupid to eat at MacDonald's especially at an intercity MacDonald's. There were no fucking rules. At night we'd cook food for ourselves to last for weeks, jerked off every fucking day (sometimes in front of each other to see who could get off the fastest) and even sold Mac-Toys on e-Bay even though we were suppose to give them to customers who we never gave a shit about. I got paid something like $5.50 an hour but was stealing a lot more than that every fucking day. With all my stealing during the summer when I worked full time, I was getting nearly a fucking grand a month. Did somebody say MacDonald's?



by Anonymous on Mar 7, 2009 at 8:47 PM

I don't want to incrimminate my friend, but he used to work at a certain Mexican fastfood place's drive thru, late night. He told me how he had a scam going, where he'd conveniently forget to ring up orders, and would just pocket the money when customers would pay. Being that employees were permitted to make food for themselvbes, my friend was able to cover his shinanigans. It all came to an end when he let other workers into his scheme, and one of them very idiotically kept the money even after he had rung the customers up. Even though the less than bright employee kept his mouth shut, the manager told my friend he knew he was involved, because he was the only one working there who was smart enough to pull this off. My friend quit, then blew his money going on vacation.

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