Were you outed and didn't want to be? Need to talk about your very first time or encounter? Have a question about technique or about safe sex? Whatever it is, lay it all out here. This category is specifically for lesbian stories.

Happy 93 Aunt Helen, You Have Been My Mentor And Heaven

Let me start with my Aunt Helen. She is an artist with a regional following, a graduate of a fine girl's school in New York. At the time her behavior was a family secret, not to mention a problem. She was kept in fashion in New York for many years, she lived with 'that problem' girl. They are now living in the south of France in a 'nice little mansion' and navigate around within their social circle. They are healthy in their early 90s.

When I was 'turned in' by the Mother Superior for my unbecoming behavior, I was found in an embrace with another girl, the family's problem returned, front and center. However the family fortunes weren't such to keep me away at 'school' as had been the case with my aunt Helen.

The Mother Superior who somehow knew of the family problem offered her opinion. There was a 'school' in Switzerland where young women with my problem could be housed and educated. The school's purpose was to reverse this 'problem' through therapy. If a g*ft could be arranged, she could bring her influence to bear. A g*ft was arranged, a substantial g*ft at great cost to the family, and I was shipped off to be cured of this horrid problem.

Whether I was cured is a matter of opinion, but through the offices of the Mother Superior an eligible bachelor was introduced. Not of a family money, but well respected in his profession. Arrangements were made for me to be married upon 'graduation'. I was 17 and healthy, well taught in the matters of home making. He was a mature man of 33. Unaware of my 'problem'.

On my wedding day my aunt Helen was present, along with 'that problem' woman. She held me tight, told me not to worry, be a good wife and one day I would meet that special girl. I remained in Switzerland and became close to my aunt Helen. Like most all girls at that time I was pregnant before sunup. Three little urchins, one a girl we named Helen. We lived well, considering, my family ensured I had a 'nice' home to live in.

That girl, the one my aunt Helen assured me would appear out of nowhere, came to me in the form of an au pair from Strasburg, mother from Algeria, beautiful Arab features. It was love at first site. The dance we danced was more complicated than any minuet ever written. Slide to the right, slide to the left, leave a kiss upon her cheek, fall back together, embraced in love forever.

How wild, how strong, how unexpected was this love with Annette. I was everyday the wife expected, but a woman's place is in the kitchen and with the children, the husband attended to without being a problem. Our refuge was in the woman's world, my husband never visited. My aunt Helen smiled. See, I told you. She did.

  • Long Ago Now, We Accommodated Our Circumstances, And Held It Together

    My first year out of college charted my future. I was quiet, not into sports, attached to my mother and sisters. Deciding to live with a roommate was a shock to everyone. In my first job after graduation, as a professional, the human resources lady told me about a new girl lookin for a roommate. We met, she had a unit in the 'hot' part of town, but unaffordable without a roommate.

    We established house rules, no boys after midnight. Well, no boys ever. The second weekend she asked me if I wanted to meet some of her friends. We went to a club, with background music, sat with three other girls. It was very much a hen party, talks of clothes and makeup.

    A woman walked over and asked my roommate if she wanted to dance. She looked at her 'I'm here with my date, no I don't want to dance'. The other girls were 'Oh so your dating, that's interesting, where did you meet?'.

    After a while we left for an Italian restaurant, crossing the street she took my hand. In the large circular booth she sat beside me. All through the evening she was asking me if I was having fun. At dinner she paid attention to me and not her friends. At the apartment she asked for a kiss.

    That same year I went to a customer appreciation dinner with my supervisor. After the dinner my supervisor followed me home. Pushing his way in, demanded to know why I didn't pay attention to him. When I answered that I had no interest in men and I had a girlfriend, he said nonsense and I woke up the next day on the road to being pregnant.

    In those days a pregnant girl walked down the isle. He got his way, I got the dirty end of the stick. As a married girl I had the duty to family, and went ahead to have four children. My girlfriend relationship survived on a wing and a prayer. Lots and lots of girls accepted a partner's marriage. It was the time to accommodate, and we accommodated, and held things together.

    It's Like A Skin Was Peeled From Me And My Knew Skin Was The Real Me

    I got married to my forever boyfriend the first weekend after I graduated college. I had a baby soon after. Later I got cold feet. I wanted out, but he did not agree. After a few months I could not get in the mood. My husband took it real bad. I never got the feeling back.

    For a while I lived in a dark place. When I met Nadine I found a reason again. I saw her and we became close friends. I never knew until then that I had feelings for another girl. I was lucky that she likes girls too.

  • I Am In Love With My Husband's Pet Girlfriend

    I married right out of college out of embarrassment and fear. He agreed but was insistent on having married a woman, he did not want another man in his house. From the very first day he divided everything between men's and women's responsibilities. He did not wash the dishes, or clean the toilets. Not that I was different, where I turned that's how it was with wives all around me.

    My husband liked sex with pretty young affectionate girls. Like Ana at work, and she was soon pregnant. This was a family problem, she couldn't possibly have his firstborn. But you can't catch up, but I got pregnant anyways. By my side came my best friend from college. While my husband had his pet, my best friend and I became lovers. At last, I wanted sex. At last I was enthusiastic and affectionate.

    My husband's pet girl was a good mother and she had a second baby, causing me to keep up with her. I envied her, how easy it was for her to be all woman. She was my image of what women looked like. My girlfriend accused me of being infatuated with her. I was, she occupied every corner of my mind. I was so in love with her. I broke up with my girlfriend.

    In short, here we are. I can't shake my love for Ana. She's very respectful and allows caresses and affections. She returns loyalty, respect, what you would expect of your husband's lover. But here we are, I'm so in love with Ana, and my husband's fondness for her is deep and genuine. Ana, he's lost in love with my husband, the father of her children.

    Together, We Make One Wife.

    In 2013 I was out of a job, without a dollar, credit card maxed out. With my tail between my legs I faced the long ride home. The husband of my best friend gave me a choice, move in with them as a nanny for their two boys, housekeeping help for his wife, and looking for a meaningful job. My friend had put him up to it. Of course I accepted.

    With me looking after her boys, and picking up the housework, she went back to work gill time.

    When you say moved in, I moved in. I had no energy to look for a job. Being the responsible person for the house, I went all in. I picked up all the cooking. When he and she came hone from work the boys were bathed and ready for bed, the table set, a hot meal ready. After dinner they tucked the boys into bed while I cleaned up. I was happy, content, I had found my calling.

    I got along with my friend, her husband's authority never bothered me. Today the boys are in high school talking about college. I am the house mother, I never got a job outside the home. Before COVID we moved into a new 'dream' home. Everyone has a place.

    It happened as the days went by, as I lived with them morning, noon and night, as the 'wifely' duties smoothed out, that there was more than just a friendship there. Sometimes in the middle of the night my friend comes to me, to talk about things in her heart, and to snuggle up in my arms to dream the rest of the night. Whispered words, whose wife is she that night.

  • Bear A Child, It Makes A Woman Out Of You

    I went to an all girl school from Kindergarten to High School. Most of the girls were not lesbians and were just as boy hungry as girls are in any other school. But a few of us were lesbians and our school provided us with cover and a place to express our preferences. After I left school, I was in college, I returned to that school for an award ceremony for one of my younger sisters. I realized that the Headmistress was a lesbian, I could tell. I'm sure she identified me early, and I began to understand that she and another lesbian teacher were responsible for me getting the scholarship that I had. It was a pay it forward sort of thing.

    I had a wild time in college, so many girls, so much sex. Even girls who were obviously not lesbians were open to having lesbian sex just because. Any pussy is good pussy. I graduated with a Masters degree in Journalism and lo and behold I was picked up by a major news organization working for a lesbian of my Alma Mater who had been in the business. In the vernacular, she opened doors and I went right in, when other journalist were waiting outside.

    The Iraq issue was front page news and I asked to be sent on an investigative assignment about the treatment of gays and lesbians by the authorities at hand. I walked off the plane into a strange world. It was a war zone, and my credentials didn't mean a damn. I was assigned to a command that patrolled at night looking for immigrants who had penetrated the perimeter. Out there where it was dark and terrible. On one outing I endangered the command. I was pushed to the ground, my pants pulled down and subjected to 'friendly fire'. I was to stay out of the way, after they had done their job, I could come up and ask my questions. I had endangered the mission, and the message was clear.

    The women I met were 'men' in everyway but one. Many were married and had children, and when alone and away from the job there was nothing 'manly' about them. But on the job, they were 'men' doing a job. I didn't run into a single one that I identified as a being a lesbian. I also didn't find any evidence that 'lesbians' were being selected for treatment, I don't know about gay men. The numbers were so big, that no one had time to worry about something so indifferent to the problem at hand. I did try to bring up the incident on patrol with a woman officer (nothing official), 'next time keep your pants on'. Nothing happened. I got the message, and returned home to nurse my wounds. I was pregnant.

    I didn't follow the script, I didn't terminate the pregnancy, I didn't make an issue out of it. Friendly fire happens, and it happened to me. I couldn't identify where it came from, what I do know is that the father is as a mixed a breed as I am. Nothing there. I left my 'job', it just didn't do anything for me any more. I moved back to my home town and became a teacher in my old school. I keep an eye out for girls that need a helping hand, an umbrella as they walk the walk of lesbian life. My daughter is 18 and going off to college. She is boy hungry and we have had many uncomfortable discussions about 'men'. But that's what she likes. The advise from both professionals and other mothers, was to put her on birth control, don't take any chances. And to answer the question she throws back at me, 'you must have liked it'. I did.

    Finding Out That I'm The Wife In The Relationship

    I came out to my parents in high school. I went to a liberal small college and got a degree in Fine Arts. After college I returned home for economic reasons and worked as a receptionist in a law office. I was out with some friends at a bar which hosted lesbians at happy hour and I ran into on of the female lawyers and she called me out. If I was there by mistake, it was lesbian happy hour, or was I there looking to get laid. I told her I was there with friends.

    She took over and I had to sit with her and after a couple of drinks she started putting her hands on me, wanting to dance, and reaching over and kissing me. I tried to leave but she held me down by the wrist and told me I was hers that night. I asked to go the ladies' room and she told me there weren't any ladies there, just horny dykes looking for a girl to break in. She went with me to the women's bathroom, there wasn't a men's bathroom at that club. She went into the stall with me and insisted on wiping me after I peed. Then we traded places and while she peed she grabbed my hips and pushed her nose between my legs.

    After I had to wipe her, and she held my hand tight against her pussy, she told me I was going home with her so don't get any ideas. When I tried to complain she told she was the dyke and she didn't like little girls complaining. I spent the night with her, and everything a dyke does she did to me, including forcing me to eat her fifty year old pussy. The next morning, it was Saturday so we didn't have to go to work she let me know that I was hers and she wasn't going to share with any other dyke at work or anywhere else.

    Six months later she had me get a matching tattoo with her. She also put a wedding band on me to signal to other women that I was taken. I slept at her place six out of every seven nights. I no longer resisted when she kissed me or hugged me or got me up in her bosom. I sucked her nipples, and ate her pussy and spread my legs and bent over. She sucked on my 'tits' and felt me up. I helped her with upkeep in her apartment, my job was the bathroom and she did the kitchen and wouldn't trade, it was her prerogative to have me do the bathroom. She bought me clothes, sex clothes, tight pushup bras and tiny thongs that barely covered anything. I went out with her, and I didn't go out with anyone else. For my birthday she bought me an eternity collar. By then I had been tattooed with her initials over my heart.

    One day I told my mother I needed to leave town, get away. She helped me and sent me to her lesbian cousin in D.C. A woman about the same age, she had a pet of her own. I met a woman there and told her about my story and she found a j*weler to cut the eternity necklace off. She also took me to get a tattoo artist to 'erase' her initials by expanding on the tattoo with a butterfly. The tattoo on my behind was cute enough and my new friend liked it so it stayed. I woke up one day with my new friend and she told me that if I was going to stay then I had to wear the ring. I got married in a sunrise ceremony and adopted her name.

    I can't help it that I am a pushover and I am attracted to alpha females, at least my wife isn't fifty, she is thirty five, ten years older. In college I was never such a sub, I eat pussy at the breakfast table and I do the bathrooms and the kitchen now. I'm a stay at home wife. It seems that the new status symbol, affording to keep a wife at home. We are talking about me putting out a couple of kids, her brother will be the donor of the sperm. It may not be clinical either. He has made it clear that he is going to deliver the sperm in my vagina, no outside handling required.

    Our Prayers Were Answered,

    I am 71 years old now, and have lived a very careful life. I was a precocious child. Along with my sisters I attended the local parochial school. The girls were in one school and the boys in a another. Some of the girls started talking about boys early on, I wanted to be friends with a girl. She was very reserved, her family was prominent in our town. We were thirteen and I kissed her. It was an uncontrollable urge. She told me not to kiss her. But not kissing her was out of the question, I kissed her again and again, until she stopped pushing me away and she let me kiss her. By the time I stopped kissing her that afternoon I was in love with her, and she was in love with me.

    We knew better than to be caught, and we never talked about it. By the time we were in secondary school we touched our naked bodies, kissed our naked bodies, kissed for minutes at a time, with our hands between our legs, our hands on our breasts. It was just that when we were caught. We were at her house, under the covers in her bed, totally naked when her mother walked it. The door was closed but not locked, her mother wasn't due until six o'clock. It was past six, we hadn't noticed. She caught us in bed naked and asked in a loud angry voice what were we doing.

    The school wasn't involved. But they had a program for girls like us. We weren't the first. It was eternal prayer to block out any desires that we may have. We did not continue in our normal classes, we went to another class, to be prepared for missionary work. We would be sent far away, to spend our lives as lay missionaries. One of us would be sent to Benin where the order had among other things an orphanage. We would not be together, once decided one of us would go to Africa and the other to Bern Switzerland to an orphanage there. We could not become Nuns, our sin was just too great.

    Upon graduation I learned that I was going to Benin. After a small dinner to say goodbye to me, I left accompanied by a Nun who was traveling to Switzerland, and from there I would be sent to Benin. In Switzerland a I ran away. I couldn't be torn away from the girl I loved. I had a second cousin that lived in Geneva. My mother had let it slip one day when the talk was about where we were to be sent. I didn't know him, and I doubted he even knew about me.

    I made my way to Geneva and I looked him up in the phone book, and found a man by his name, a Psychiatrist. I went there. I waited all day for him to see me. He was aware of my mother, she was a cousin of his mother, but not familiar to him. He had studied medicine in Switzerland and Psychiatry. He was single and lived with a woman who took care of him. He listened to me, I told him everything, about us, and that we were in love. He walked over to me and held my hands, and told me that no amount of prayer would stop my longing for her. He was totally against what they were doing to us, and agreed to hide me in his house.

    He found out that my love was in Bern, and he had a man poke around and find out where she stayed and what she did during the day. Then one day several weeks later, he took me to Bern, and we interrupted her walk to the orphanage and stole her away. She came willingly with us, there was no fight, no argument. That night we slept in a great big bed in my cousin's house. He told us we would be safe there.

    Our names were changed, names borrowed from Italian girls who had died during the war. We were Italians now, and he had connections and papers were drawn up, and we were sisters. No one would then ask why we lived together, all we had to do was learn to speak Italian. We lived in our cousin's house for forty four years. His housekeeper passed several years earlier and he left us the house when he passed. We had to sell it as we could no longer keep it up.

    I won't say that we made love every night, but we kissed every night before going to sleep. We are in our seventies now and we kiss every night before we go to sleep and every morning when we wake up. Two sisters who never married. We do speak Italian and French and our native English.

    Our prayers were answered, we only prayed to be let be together.

    My Wife And Her Friend

    Never in her life , had my wife been with a girl or woman . Then she admitted that her friend had introduced her to Lesbian sex . They had been away , in a Hotel . Booking a double room for cheapness . Both sleeping in the same bed . In the night she could feel a hand , pushing between her thighs . Then it was rubbing her pussy . She found it exciting . It made her cum . Then her friend was licking her pussy . She was still on a high , from cumming . It was only minutes before she was cumming . As she told me . She had always enjoyed me using my mouth to make her cum . Having a woman do it , was better . She did it in a different way . Knowing it was a woman excited her . It made her want to experience licking a woman . She got down to lick her friend , how she liked to be licked . When her friend was cumming . She was still licking . This gave her a sensation , like a buzzing . In her pussy . They licked and fingered each other . Also having her first passionate kiss with a woman . She wants to visit her friend at home , and stay ovrnight . For sex . I am happy to let her . If she tells me what they do . Then has sex with me .

  • Out Of The Blue I Took A Cruise To Meet Other Women

    I saw a cruise that was open to the LGBT community. After thinking about it for a while I decided to book a cabin and took it. On board I met some really nice folks, and a couple of not so nice folks. I got along well with a retired air hostess from American. Blonde blue eyed type, still into miniskirts and push up bras. We got it on, had fun together, I agreed to visit her in Asheville.

    This is the first time I've gone out like this. I'm a regular homebody and shy really. My preferences have always been quiet girls. I am a librarian by profession, and I had so many young women work with me. A quiet girl, who wants a woman to take care of her. So getting together with an air hostess was quite a change, from introvert to extrovert. I still much prefer a quiet girl, who wants to be held in my bosoms, kissed and told she is so pretty.